2013/8/26 Cueva Ventana

Time for another River City Photography field trip. This adventure led us to Arecibo and the Window Cave or Cueva Ventana. To get there take 2/ 22 to Arecibo, exit south on hwy 10, Park at the Texaco around KM marker 75, and start your hike. The cave is dark but you only need a flashlight for a few hundred feet and our Iphone flashlights worked just fine. Our timing ended up being perfect and we got to watch a storm roll through the river valley and past the cave. Thunder echoed of the walls and mountains. A heavy rain passed over us without us feeling a drop. Other cave- visitors were not so lucky and we ran into a few soaked hikers on our way back down. If you ever have an opportunity to visit Puerto Rico, visiting this cave is a MUST. You will not be disappointed. Continue reading
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