2013/10/12 Hootenanny Festival

The latest installment of Hootenanny on the Hill was fun for all. After morning race events were run and awards handed out, everyone focused their attention on the bar-b-cue cook-off which featured categories for deserts, beans, potato salad, chili, cook's choice, chicken, spare ribs, and brisket. With delicious smells wafting around Plum Creek's club house and pool area, many event attendees (myself included) couldn't help but grab a burger or hot dog at the Veterans of Foreign Wars Tent and immediately follow it with a snow cone from Kona Ice or refresh themselves with some lemonade from Sister's Lemonade and Tea stand. Also helping people work up a thirst were inflatable bounce houses, a big-glove-boxing ring, a two story tall zip line, and a petting zoo with baby.... everythings. These are a few shots we thought attendees might be interested in, but there are many more in archive. If there was something you saw at Hootenanny on the Hill that you would like a picture of and don't see it here, shoot us an email at info@rivercityphotography.com. Thanks! Continue reading
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